Saturday, May 26, 2007

Off Limits for Life?

I have been mulling this subject over recently more and more and my opinion on it seems to be evolving. I used to think that if I was good friends with a married couple and they split up that dating these people was off-limits to our group of friends. It is just too messy and too hard for all involved. I have discussed this with several of my friends and we have varying opinions. I also said that dating within one's circle is a bad idea, but that is an idealistic view. I will admit that, especially if you have a group of friends like we do that is like the tv show, "Friends." Most of us are in are in our 30's, fun-loving, some singles, some married, and we have some common hobbies that tie us all together.

So, with a group of friends like this, I really have in the past felt very strongly about dating each other and the said consequences and dating people after someone splits up, be that a long-term relationship or a marriage. I think that my opinions on these two subjects have come from watching peoples lives turned upside down just with their break-ups and divorces and the impact it has on the relationships of everyone in their lives. Out of respect for all involved I have always felt it was better to keep the lines of friendship clearly drawn even after a split.

Regardless, we as humans don't live in a vacuum when it comes to attraction and feelings. In simpler terms, or a cliche, you can't help who you fall for. I think this is the bigger issue. Just because you have good intentions and don't want to like someone doesn't mean that will always be the case. I appreciate my friends who have shared their opinions on this subject because it really helped me take a deeper look and realize that I could say anything I wanted about these friends being "off limits" but in reality it was probably just too unrealistic of a idea.

I don't know if this situation will ever arise, but at least I have a better idea now that I need to examine it differently if it does. I have re-examined my thoughts on dating within the circle also, but that is another post. . .

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