Saturday, November 29, 2008


Ugly Stepsister

The Best Movies

One of the best things about Holiday weekends is the movie marathons on TV. Take tonight for instance. Spike TV is showing a Star Wars movie marathon. I grew up on Star Wars. My brother and I went as Star Wars characters for Halloween when we were kids. Yesterday, when my friend and I had stopped into a video store to grab a couple of movies to watch for the night, there was an entire section of new Star Wars collector's items. They even have a light saber now - one for Darth Vader and one for Yoda. The Star Wars legend lives on even for today's generation of kids and the toys keep getting better and better, yet the movies are still the best!

No Heat!

It is Thanksgiving weekend and I have a four day holiday. I had choir for a church service Wednesday night and came home afterwards to my house thermostat at a chilly 62 degrees. I normally keep my thermostat at this temperature during the day, but have it about 68 while I am here at night. I adjusted it, but the heat did not seem to be coming on. I did not really think much of it Wednesday night so I went to bed. I got up the next morning and the house was 62 and then the temp went down to 61 before I left. I adjusted the thermostat again before I left for Thanksgiving dinner with my family at my brother's house. I came home to find that the temp had not only not changed, but there was no heat blowing out of the heater vents. I turned on my air purifier heater that my parents had given me in my living room and decided that there was nothing my landlord could do for me on the holiday and to call her in the morning. I had a spa day planned so I called her on my way. It turns out that no one works on a holiday weekend in Bozeman, Montana in the heating business. My landlord spent the entire day at my apartment to find that the blower on my heater was busted. She then spent Saturday finding a replacement and someone to put it in only to find out it did not fit and part was going to have to be brought in on Monday and installed. I have space heaters all over my apartment. Both my landlord and I are terrified of these things. We are constantly checking on them to make sure they are not going to burn my apartment down, but it is the only way to heat the place until the furnace can be fixed. My landlord has been great trying to remedy this situation and provide me heat in the interim. I am so lucky that it has been and is so warm in Bozeman right now.

Hey Fat Boy

It turns out that research now shows that men being overweight is now a cause of women not being able to get pregnant. (You would think that would have stopped the sex in first place, but evidently not.) A man being obese according to recent studies can cause low sperm counts and therefore be a cause of a woman not being able to conceive.

So often times many of the reasons a woman cannot get pregnant are blamed on the woman. It is her uterus, her ovaries, her low hormone production and only after the doctors have exhausted every possible reason it could not be a woman's problem they will look at the man and his plumbing etc. And now, look at what research has found. You can't be fat anymore and have kids, boys or your swimmers are not as effective. HA!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Solute to Veterans

I just want to stop and give a shout out to all of the men and women who have served our country in the past including my dad, my sister, Tara and Chris (as well as countless others) and to those who protect and serve us today. We would not have our freedom, live in this amazing place, enjoy our rights, and be the country we are without the Veterans of the Armed forces of the United States of America. God Bless you!

When Did I Become A Ma'am?

I was headed through the drive-thru tonight which I should NOT be doing since there is just about no fast food that is gluten-free, but I have a major deadline so I can rationalize anything right now and figured I can remove the bun from a burger, right? As I pulled up to the second window after paying my fare to the nice girl at the first window (BTW, when did fast food become so expensive? I thought that fast food was supposed to be cheap. . .) a young gentlemen in one of those nice polyester uniforms says to me, "Here is your drink. Did I give you a straw already, ma'am?" He handed my my piping hot bag of 1000mg of sodium and 50g of fat and I was quickly jostled out of my post-work haze certainly not offended but definitely wondering when did I cross over into the realm of ma'am?