Thursday, June 01, 2006

Big fun night- part 25

"Big fun night." This is what my best friend and I used to title our pre-planned party girl nights out on the town in college. We would gear up about Wednesday for a Friday night that would result in us not being able to feel our teeth, laughing until our sides hurt, talking to people we did not know by the paper towel dispenser in a bathroom that no self-respecting woman in the daylight hours would even set foot in, shamelessly flirting with the bouncers, bartenders and DJ's to win free drinks, dancing for 3 hours breaking only for water to re-hydrate to go back and shake our tail feathers some more, with a 2AM stop at Perkins for mozzarella sticks and cheese fries. I think I might be paying for those late night fat fests now. We were crazy and we did not care. We would ignore everyone around us and just have fun without wondering what people were thinking. It did not even occur to us to care. I think the 12 shots of vodka might have helped. . .
I look back at those nights now and laugh. My best friend and I talk about some of those times and wonder how we survived the binges, the sugar in the foo-foo drinks, some of the men we chose back then and ask ourselves what were we thinking? And at the same time, I look at those carefree college times and wonder when life became less like the hallmark card and more like a bad sitcom. Don't get me wrong. I have a good life. I have a wonderful family, amazing friends, (yes-even the ones who irritate me from time to time). And yet, I am wondering what would life be like behind door number 3? I am not talking about regretting any of the choices I have made. Just a change of venue. Some days I just have to wonder what life would be like if I had done just one thing differently. . .

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