Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cock-a-doodle do or Cock-a-doodle don't?

The Bozeman City Commission voted to allow chickens within the city limits this week. I am really not sure the Commission has thought this one through completely. So let's suppose you have a $500k home and your next door neighbor decides to start raising chickens a.k.a. puts in a mini feed lot next to your half million dollar impeccably landscaped home. You, since you are a true Bozemanite, also own a black lab. Your lab, not used to living next to chickens, takes off one day in pursuit of one of the birds when you let him out. You hear a giant commotion outside and go running only to find the dog next door in the neighbor's feedlot/hen house. The neighbor comes out, near hysterical. chickens are running everywhere; feather are flying. Your normally well-behaved and trained dog is chasing the birds. After all, he is bird dog. You and your neighbor whip out your cell phones and call 911. You need some help. The cops are called to your domestic disturbance. The question is- what do you say? Is it a poultry 911? Is it a domestic dispute? I mean what do you tell the 911 operator when you call? And really, having the cops show up for something like this when half way across Bozeman someone one is having a real emergency. What exactly was the Bozeman City Commission thinking? and what about the eggs? I have not even touched on all the issues surrounding eggs and egg theft. . .

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