Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Do you remember playing the telephone game as a kid? Someone would tell someone a sentence or a phrase and then you would try to maintain the integrity of that sentence while it worked its way through everyone playing the game. Now, if rumors only worked that way. Fundamentally, a rumor is the exact opposite. The integrity of what is said is so distorted that by the time it reaches who it was said about, there is barely any truth to the story (as if there was any to begin with).

I am so amazed and all at the same time not even phased by this entire process I can't even begin to tell you. I was just scooped up, chewed on, and spit out of the rumor mill today and I work in a "professional" office. What is even more disheartening is the people who are involved in the process as it seems this usually goes, are not dealing with firsthand information, are listening to some who are, and listening to others with hearsay only and then perpetuating the rumor down the line to the ones who are supposedly involved in this "so-called incident" that started the actual juicy little tidbit that led to a select group of people's gum's a flappin'. WHEW!!!!! Did you feel that spiral?

And I have to ask this. Why are we so quick to believe the worst about people? (Rhetorical question) Is it because we are still acting like adolescents in high school? Not only that, but I am so glad that people have so much time to devote to things like these and not to what they are supposed to be doing like working! Rumors aside, as there is rarely truth to most of them or such a twisted version of it that you cannot get a clear picture of what is really going on, I will say this. If you are someone with so little respect for a person as to believe a rumor without getting your facts clarified, then you might want to consider how much respect someone is going to have for you if the tables are turned and you are in his or her shoes.


-bRad said...

All I can tell you is that it was not ME with that farm animal the other night. I swear it.

Montana Diva said...

Prove it. LOL.