Monday, May 29, 2006

Maid in Montana

I hate to clean! I have never liked it. I have two family members and very soon to be a third who own their own cleaning businesses. I don't know what happened to me. To be honest, there are about 4,356 other things in the world I could and would rather be doing. I will avoid it at all costs. Now, to be honest, I am not a pig. I live in a cardboard box (a.k.a very small apartment) and I have a lot of things stuffed into this small place. But, to be fair, I don't clean often enough and wait until I have to or until it is overwhelming (at least in my personal space.) I do have a roommate and often she cleans before I get to it or because it really needs to be done. We are also both very busy people, so cleaning is not a priority, but admittedly, she does the majority of the cleaning in this place. I am gone from the house at least eight hours per day for my job and then in the evenings for my other business. Cleaning would have to take place during my downtime or sleep time on many days and eat up half of my weekend by the time my schedule allowed for it. I have no idea how people balance their lives most days; I can barely balance mine on a regular day not to mention the ones where someone asks you to throw in an extra activity or three.

I will say this. Cleaning will never be a high priority item for me. I will do it. I will make sure that I do my share. I will rearrange my schedule to do so in my living situation to keep the peace if it ever becomes a problem, but I will not sacrifice people, relationships or time with my family and friends to kill dust bunnies. Life is too short to swing a broom, push a vacuum and yield a toilet brush at the cost of seeing or talking to a person for what could be one last time.

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