Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas?

If I am not mistaken, the reason for the season is the birth of Jesus Christ, hence Christmas. For some reason, we have a faction of people in this country who are screaming loud enough now that they have pushed to make this just another "holiday". A what? I don't care if you are not Christian or don't believe in God, that is your business. Then don't celebrate Christmas, but do understand that the United States of America was founded upon RELIGIOUS principles. Yes, folks, that is right. Check the history books. So, if you don't like Christmas, fine, but 90% of the US population does, so deal with it because you are in the minority and you came to a country that was built upon a religious foundation. You can have your Holiday, too. What I have a problem with is dumbing down Christmas because a few people have screamed, "This religious holiday offends me." Then go back to where you came from because it has been this way in this country for over 200 years and the rest of us like our Christmas with Christ in it!


-bRad said...

Well, as much as I don't disagree with the intent of your post I have to tell YOU to check your history books.

Christmas was originally a pagan holiday celebrating the winter solstice. The Christians twisted it to represent the birth of Jesus, which has nothing to do with the date of Dec. 25th.


Montana Diva said...

Yes, technically "Christmas" was a pagan holiday and yes you are right about the winter solstice. There are multiple sources about the origin of the Christian remnants of the holiday based upon the Roman blending of Christianity and paganism. Yes, dear Bradford, I do read my history books. The birth of Christ isn't technically a December date. As I think you understand, the reason for my post has nothing to do with the origins of Christianity. It has to do with this: a recent NBC poll said 90% of Americans said keep the Christ in Christmas.