Saturday, September 17, 2011


I spontaneously decided to rent a movie from one of those convenient kiosks outside of the gas station after I finished at Costco this afternoon. I pulled up and parked, then patiently waited in my car while a mother and son finished choosing their movies and checking out. After they were done with their transaction, I got out of my car so I could decide what to rent. While was looking through the movies, a woman came up and stood waiting to rent. While my movies were dispensing, I turned to her to make casual conversation, saying "I just could not decide." She had only had to wait on me for a couple of minutes. I was very aware that she was waiting. Anyway, she said back to me, "That is why I get online before I come to rent so I don't make people wait for me to choose what to rent." We continued our conversation and then I got in my car.

I was not impressed. As a matter of fact, as I drove out of the parking lot on to my next destination, I got a little fired up. What was this woman's issue? She had to wait all of TWO MINUTES while I selected my movies. I was dumb enough to make casual conversation with her (yes, my mistake) and that is when she proceeded to inform me (albeit not so subtly) that I was not being considerate because I did not take the time to plan ahead to decide what I wanted to rent. Really? Are you serious? The whole point of of these kiosks is for CONVENIENCE. For heaven's sake, RELAX!

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