Saturday, November 18, 2006


Most people who know me well know that I hate house work and that as far as priorities go, I rank it as 4567 on my list of things to do. Now don't get me wrong, I don't live in a pigpen, but I just don't list that as one of the top items on my "to do" list. Lately though, things have been changing for me and by that I mean my priorities. I have my own place now and I really am more conscientious about cleanliness. (Isn't there some irony in that one?) I am so busy that I don't have a lot of time to clean and I am finding that it absolutely drives me nuts when the house starts to get messy. And what ends up happening is I try to clean as I am getting ready to go places because I notice something needs to be done. This is a bad idea. One- I don't have the time to be doing it then and two I am really not going to do the job they way I want to at that time. What usually ends up happening is I end up late where I am going and I only get part of the way through the task I started-not so effective. This whole cycle is really starting to make me crazy. Hence, my post today. You can really tell that someone has changed when something that used to be so insignificant to them will make them late for a business meeting or a date. I have become obsessive about my living space. I don't think it is a bad thing, but I know I need to rearrange my schedule so I can be more effective with my time so the cleaning can be done when I have time, not when I am flying out the door for an important event. I have to laugh at myself now about it. It is really scary how OC I have become, but it really is not a bad thing. Two years ago, I was hardly leaving my house accept for work events and the occasional social event and my room was something that could be declared a national disaster area. Now, I could realistically have people over with 20 minutes notice. And, the only reason I would want that is to do some spot checking because I am so often not here these days that I basically leave the "big" cleaning to once per week. The rest of my house is tidy the majority of the time. You can walk through my living room and hallways etc. Because I have a bedroom and an office now, instead of being crammed in like a sardine I am staying more organized. I just have to chuckle how long it has taken for me to become this way. I really do get bothered if the dishes aren't done, if the bathroom sink is not wiped off and the floors in my house need to be vacuumed. Anyone who has known me for an extended period of time would ask me if I have a fever or if I am terminally ill. No, I just think I have come around to the dark side and am really wanting to have a nice place of my own that is reasonable clean the majority of the time. Who would of thought a tiger could change her stripes?

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